LWE’s German 3 and 4 having a Kaffeeklatsch: a traditional Sunday practice in German speaking counties where they eat cake, drink coffee, and talk to one another. They were able to sample an authentic German Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. #lw210
LWE Seniors! Check out your Class of 2022 Teams page for more information on ordering your Senior Shirt. The online store closes February 21st.
Follow @lwesweeneytodd on Instagram for posts and updates about this year's killer spring musical, Sweeney Todd.
IHSA State Chess has the start of Round 1, at the Peoria Civic Center. One thousand players, largest scholastic chess tournament in North America. Let's Go Griffins!
LWE Students! Looking to continue your New Year's Resolution to focus on YOU? Join intramural fitness after school.
Good luck to our LWE Chess team as they compete at the IHSA State Series this weekend. GO EAST! GO GRIFFINS! GO BLUE!
Another senior night in the books for LWE’s Varsity Cheer and Poms. Way to go Griffins!
Congratulations to the LWE Mathletes who are recognized as the SWSC Champions!
LWE is one of 15 area H.S. that will be exhibiting student artwork in the Orland Park Arts Alliance Aspiring Artists Showcase on 2/12 & 13. Public viewing is from 1-8p on Sat. 2/12 and from 1-5pm on Sun. 2/13 at the Orland Park Cultural Arts Center located at 14760 Park Lane.
LWE Student Council kids are sending their love to Maggie by writing out Valentine's and decorating trees in her honor.
Thank you Mr. Jeffrey Beckham, CEO of Chicago Scholars for visiting BSU today. Your story and work for communities is inspiring. We cannot thank you enough for your visit. @JBeckham7
Griffins-Class of 2026! Today you will receive an Open House Griffin Pride folder from your junior high. Bring this entire folder with you to the Freshmen Open House on Wednesday, 2/16 at Lincoln-Way East High School.
Tradition carries on with our Go Blue pins. Our LWE Chess Team is heading to IHSA state this week. Best of luck!
Class of 2026 please mark your calendars for Freshman Open House.
Scholastic Bowl finished the SWSC season with a record of 11-2, and as Blue Division Champions!
Luke Meacham was the Division's Top Overall Scorer. Luke and Anila Moparthi both earned a spot on the All-Conference team.
LWE Seniors! Check out your Class of 2022 Teams page for more information on ordering your Senior Shirt. The online store closes February 21st.
LWE Scholastic Bowl snow date make up tournament is on Monday, 2/7 These will be the last rounds of the SWSC regular season as they jockey for position in the Conference Tournament. Best of luck!
This week Valentine's cards w/heart lollipops will be sold during lunch for $2 each, thanks to Key Club & Interact students. Profits will go to the Nami Wellness Center of Will County. They offer free care & aid to help children struggling with their mental health.
Still looking for a club to join? Stop to Anime every other Friday. Room 236 is full of fun, games and movies. See Ms. Kolimas for questions.
The LW 210 Literacy Magazine is accepting entries from LW Students. You can submit poems, short stories, or artwork for this year's magazine. Students can get entry forms from English or Art teacher. Also, email Mr. Labriola at plabriola@lw210.org. Deadline is March 26th.