Student academic success and progress at Lincoln-Way Community High School are directly related to student attendance. When students are not in class, learning cannot take place. It is the student’s responsibility to attend class and be prepared. When the student must be absent, it is the parent’s responsibility to call the attendance office by 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence.
Calls are accepted from the parent or guardian only. Phone calls by students, even with parent permission, will not be accepted. The phone system is ACTIVATED 24 HOURS per day and is monitored throughout the day. The parent or guardian should be prepared to respond verbally to the following questions:
What is a phone number where you may be reached after 9:00 a.m.?
What is the name and I.D. number of your son or daughter?
What is the date, reason and length of the absence? Is it all day or just for certain periods?
What is your name and relationship to the student?