The deadline to submit poems or short stories to this year's District 210 Literary Magazine is MONDAY 3/20. Submit this week for a chance to have your work published in this year's magazine! Students can get an entry form by reaching out to Mr. Labriola on Teams.
Lincoln-Way East Junior/Senior Prom 2023
Saturday, April 22nd From 6:30-10p.M.
Museum Of Science & Industry
5700 S. Dusable Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, Il 60637
Join Us For A Night Of Exploring The Museum, Dancing, & Fun!
Buffet styled dinner will be served. Gluten Free, Vegetarian, and Vegan options will be available with signs displayed at the stations.
Free Parking in the Museum Garage
Free Coat Check.
Additional Information
Tickets - $140 each and are non-refundable.
Tickets are only available at
No tickets will be sold at the door.
If you are signing up with MySchoolDance for the first time, you must create an account using your Lincoln-Way Email address.
When checking your Lincoln-Way Email, please remember to click on the “Other” tab at the top. Most times the confirmation from MySchoolDance will appear in this column.
This event is open to Juniors and Seniors only, and anyone they invite as a guest.
Guests from outside of Lincoln-Way East are welcome, but you must submit the “Outside Guest” form/agreements online at MySchoolDance BEFORE it allows you to complete the ticket purchase.
Once the form/agreements are signed then it will charge you.
Online ticket sales end on Wednesday, April 19th at 11:45pm.
LWE chorale students celebrated their hard work during their annual Spring Choir Concert tonight at LWE. Many wonderful selections were performed in honor of recently deceased Mr. Michael Kotze -- father, husband and music booster stalwart.
LWE's Muslim Student Association (MSA) hosted an Arabic-style dinner to to some of our amazing teachers. The MSA leaders switched places with their teachers for the night and led an engaging presentation on the Islamic holy month, Ramadan. The students explained that many Muslims observe Ramadan by fasting from sunrise to sunset. They wanted to bring awareness to their faith and how they manage their fasting while being a student at LWE. MSA closed their presentation with a review game called Kahoot! And tested the teachers' knowledge on their presentation. The teachers gave MSA's Ramadan presentation an A+!
LWE Computer Club completed their final projects and revealed their student created websites.
Our E-Sports team competed at Sandburg's E-Sports Invitational.
Thirteen schools participated. Smash Bros did a great job along with Rocket League taking home first place trophies.
The annual ArtWorks Festival that is taking place on Saturday, March 18th at Lincoln-Way East High School. The festival includes artwork from 33 area schools K-12, hands-on art activities for kids, and music performances. The event is free to the public.
LWE English teachers, Amy Cavanaugh and Brian Newcomb, presented at the "Celebrating Language Arts" DuPage County-Wide Institute Day Friday.
They shared information about how AI presents challenges to teaching writing, but also ways in which educators can use AI to help students develop a writing process, get feedback, differentiate learning, and think more critically about writing.
LWE Scholastic Bowl are IHSA Regional Champions!! Wins over Stagg (520-260), Tinley Park (600-170), and Lemont for the Championship (530-250)! 4-peat for the Senior Class! On to Sectionals on Saturday!
Ms. Shaughnessy and Mrs. Lago led a Wellness Week for their Fit for Life students this past week. Their students learned about nutrition and healthy lifestyles through a series of activities. Students meditated, tasted healthy snacks, wrote positive goals and kind notes, and petted adorable therapy dogs.
The Top Ten (percent by GPA) Gala hosted by the Tinley Park Rotary Club was held at Tinley Park High School today. Students from LWE, Andrew, and Tinley Park High Schools were recognized for their achievements. Congratulations to our honorees!
Our Bring Change 2 Mind club @bc2m_lweast heard from Ashley @rejuvenateplants on her mission to bring awareness to Mental Health and Suicide Prevention through hope, love, art and nature. 🌿🎨
Our LWE Senior College Writing English classes learned about the resources available to them as dual credit students at JJC.
On 2/28 we have a fan bus going to Bolingbrook for Boys Basketball Sectional.
Bus leave at 6:00pm . Game begins at 7:00pm. Pre-purchase your Go Fan ticket on the QR code posters.
Also permission forms for bus are in Rm 115 Mrs. Pearson's office./tomorrow before 1st hour.
Our Lincoln-Way East Mathletes are Regional Champions! Go East! Go Griffins! Go Blue!
Today the Argonne ESRP Team used the Advanced Photon Source where they collected data using a method known as Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction. The goal was to map the structure of the protein, Lysozyme to understand the process utilized by scientists to add proteins to the Protein Data Bank; this information will be further developed through our research to understand various biological processes. #D210
LWE Seniors! It's tradition to buy a senior shirt to commemorate your senior year. The shirt is on sale through February 28th. Visit the website on your Class of 2023 Teams for more information.
Welcome to Starbooks! Freshmen Seminar classes visited the LWE library today for a memorable book talk. The students participated in a 'speed dating' activity with a list of books recommended by librarian, Mrs. Siemann. They evaluated two books at each table, switched tables several times, and then met with their peers to discuss their findings. The purpose of the activity was to expose students to a multitude of books and choose one for their biography assignment.
The sound of jazz filled the air tonight as our Griffins performed on stage. These fine musicians showcased their music and demonstrated growth while entertaining the crowd!
LWE Scholastic Bowl are CHAMPIONS! They are headed to the Masonic State for the first time in history!