Congrats LWE Rocket League for advancing to the IHSA E-Sports State @ Evergreen Park HS Sat. 4/29.
Jacob Hartman (Haart), Colin Keener (Cloud) & Elisha Adams (Alincy) qualified for state in a highly competitive sectional. Big opportunities await the future of LWE esports.
Lincoln-Way East congratulates our Future Business Leaders of America who qualified for Nationals in Atlanta, GA this summer! This year our FBLA group set a record for East placing the most 1st place finishes since 2001.
The LWE art department hosted an art reception this evening for students and families. A great crowd came out to see the students' work.
The Claffy/Kolimas English 2 students participated in a mock job interview unit. The unit consisted of learning how to create a cover letter/resume, dressing and preparing for an interview, and then conducting an interview as ether a boss or a candidate!
This week our Griffins have been celebrating Culture week. Today our students wore traditional attire to honor their heritage.
Lincoln-Way East congratulates our Chess All-Conference recipients along with their incredible season!
LWE's Argonne team competed in the rotunda of the Museum of Science and Industry for the championship of the Autonomous Vehicle Competition this past Saturday.
A huge congratulations to LWE's Argonne team who took 1st place in design and 1st place in performance. Their vehicle was the first in the history of the competition to complete the course with zero touches.
The team is LWE Sponsor and Science teacher Jami Voliva. Some of the team members who are featured are seniors Jack Fenlon, Victoria Lucarelli, Olivia Martin and Max Bacon. @argonne
Lincoln-Way East congratulates our AFJROTC All-Conference recipients!
Congrats to our LWE Mathletes! This weekend at state we were ranked 21st overall with 370 points! Top scorers for LWE in their respective competitions were by Ryan Schimke, Anila Moparthi, Katelyn Poidomani, Felix Sacks, Ashlynn Huizenga and Max Bacon!
Our Griffins felt nostalgic from their grade school days while attending a field trip at the Museum of Science and Industry. 'The Night at the Museum,’ sponsored by the junior class, was a success for this year’s LWE 2023 Prom.
Good luck to our Mathletes that are heading to state at ISU this Saturday!
Griffins e-sports is competing at IHSA regionals Saturday - Representing East : Rocket League : Colin Keener, Jacob Hartman, & Elisha Adams .. Super Smash Bros: Andrew Newsom, Joshua Galmines, Logan Heffelmire, Gavin Visser, & Faris Yassin. GOOD LUCK GRIFFINS!!
On Wednesday, students enrolled in the Human Anatomy & Physiology courses had an opportunity to participate in a live and interactive viewing of an open-heart surgery from Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn in cooperation with the Museum of Science and Industry.
Mr. Victor met with the Class of 2023 today regarding graduation, Prom, and end of school-year obligations. Seniors, please check your Class of 2023 Teams page for follow-up information from today's presentation.
FBLA's Natl' Qualifiers!
Gia Bucci, Olivia Lullo, Tim Regan - Bus. Fin. Plan 1st
Krishna Patel Bus Law 1st
Gabriella Cox Intro to Bus. Comm. 1st
Sohum Desai/Avery Jones E Bus 2nd
Annie Rogers Intro to Bus Concepts 3rd
Mohammad Mizyed/Ire Adelakun - Entrepreneurship 4th
Lincoln-Way East Junior/Senior Prom 2023
Saturday, April 22nd From 6:30-10p.M.
Museum Of Science & Industry
5700 S. Dusable Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, Il 60637
Join Us For A Night Of Exploring The Museum, Dancing, & Fun!
Buffet styled dinner will be served.Gluten Free, Vegetarian, and Vegan options will be available with signs displayed at the stations.
Free Parking in the Museum Garage
Free Coat Check.
Additional Information
Tickets - $140 each and are non-refundable.
Tickets are only available at
No tickets will be sold at the door.
If you are signing up with MySchoolDance for the first time, you must create an account using your Lincoln-Way Email address.
When checking your Lincoln-Way Email, please remember to click on the “Other” tab at the top. Most times the confirmation from MySchoolDance will appear in this column.
This event is open to Juniors and Seniors only, and anyone they invite as a guest.
Guests from outside of Lincoln-Way East are welcome, but you must submit the “Outside Guest” form/agreements online at MySchoolDance BEFORE it allows you to complete the ticket purchase.
Once the form/agreements are signed then it will charge you.
Online ticket sales end on Wednesday, April 19th at 11:45pm.
Today the conductor of the IPO (Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra) Stilian Kirov came in and worked with our orchestra students.
Over the last two days, 120 freshmen and 90 sophomore students at East attended a voluntary practice session for their AP exams coming up next month. Freshmen AP students will take the AP Human Geography exam on May 4th, and sophomores will take the AP United States History exam on May 5th. Students practiced multiple choice, free response, document-based, and essay questions during these sessions.
Spanish two classes took advantage of the beautiful spring weather today and went outdoors. Students had fun tracing each other with chalk and labeling the body parts in Spanish.
Griffins! A reminder that the next 2 days are testing days. Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 12) is for Juniors and Sophomores only. Seniors and Freshmen are not in attendance. Thursday, April 13 is for Juniors and Freshmen.