LWE Seniors! It's a tradition that seniors have a shirt made just for their graduating class. Order your shirt no later than February 6th. Click on the link located on your Class of 2024 Teams page and choose from a short sleeve, long sleeve or sweatshirt.

Student Council will be hosting our LWE Winter Dance! See attached information and QR code for more details #east

The Class Officers have organized a PET SUPPLY drive for PAWS next week in honor of Sarah Simental- an animal lover and Griffin who lost her life. Please bring pet supplies to the bins in the main office in her memory and support for our local animal shelter. PAWS recently had a fire and they are in desperate need of blankets and towels. Check your teams page for more details and please help support a great cause.

Students are working hard and enjoying their time in Drawing and Painting class as their first project of the semester gets underway. Drawing and Painting is an excellent class to consider if you enjoy hands-on projects that allow you to be creative and express yourself.

East students enjoying their time in Ceramics class as they begin working with clay. If you enjoy being creative and working with hands-on projects, then consider adding a Ceramics class to your schedule.

If you are looking to get involved for 2nd semester, check out our children's play that will be put on by our Theater Company.
Monday, 1/22 auditions will take place. See the Theater Company teams page for Monday's details (location, time). #getinvolved

PPS counselors presented to students on the course selection process at LWE. Our griffins learned how they are evaluated by college admissions as well as information on trade school career paths. Additionally, PPS reviewed course expectations and graduation requirements. Students will be meeting with their counselors in January to plan their schedule for next year.

LWE Peer Helpers had a fantastic weekend at their retreat. They attended Pilgrim Park in Princeton, IL! #east

Biology classes are collaborating in stations as they evaluate cell functions.

Griffins! Last call TODAY to order your Yearbook. Please visit Skyward using your Parent/Guardian account, not the student account. If you have more than one student in the building, please order each student separately. The deadline is TODAY December 22, 2023.

Griffins! We wish everyone a wonderful break! #east

Future Griffins, Class of 2028 students and parents! Please save the date to attend our Open House at East on February 14th. Families will receive more information about the event in January via email. #east

East Griffins! We want to thank Ms. Vandenberg along with all the staff and student groups who have donated gifts to local families for the holidays. #east

Griffins! Last call to order your Yearbook. Please visit Skyward using your Parent/Guardian account, not the student account. If you have more than one student in the building, please order each student separately. The deadline is December 22, 2023.

World History students collaborated on a PowerPoint via Office 365 to learn the eight features of the civilizations in Egypt and Greece. The Egypt group used a visual tactic as they mummified one of their own to enhance the project. #goeastgogriffinsgoblue

LWE science students competed in the annual bridge building contest. The room was filled with enthusiasm while students watched their peers test the construction of their bridges as teachers placed weights on the scale. The bridge-builders will learn if they advance to a regional competition. #lwescience

Today in mathletes, students were teaching each other regional topics that aren't covered in the regular curriculum. #getinvolved #goeast #matheducation

Griffins! Tomorrow 12/14 (Thursday) there is more ways to decompress before finals. Grounded Coffee will be here in the Library along with Mr. Teare's Guitar classes performing for the Coffeehouse. Come check it out before 1st hour.

LWE Exemplary Student Research Program team began their experimental research today at Argonne National Laboratory.

Fit for Life instructor Ms. Shaughnessy led students in a yoga session after school to de-stress from their final exam preparation. They also received tips on how to engage in self-care while studying. #goeastgogriffinsgoblue