Warriors wear orange on Fridays.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
students wearing school colors
The final number is in and NHS donated 336 toys to the Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation!
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
NHS with toys
Look who made a visit to the Best Buddies event tonight! Students watched a movie and created Best Buddies ornaments alongside Westly.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
students with the mascot
Students have the opportunity next week before school to manage stress before the tests.  Each day will focus on a different topic as we support students in preparation for final exams.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
Warrior wellness poster
Thank you to the Amita St. Joseph Medical Center hospital staff for our hosting our Anatomy & Medical students this semester! Mrs. Neuberg’s students had a great semester and enjoyed the opportunity of initial clinical experiences at the hospital.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
students in front of the hospital
It’s a beautiful day for an egg drop! Mr. Willis’ students are applying the laws of conservation of energy and momentum during their Physics Lab.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
students with egg for egg drop
The Scholastic Bowl program is off to a great start this season and will be hosting a SWSC meet tonight at LWW. Go Warriors!
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
scholastic bowl team
The latest issue of The West Gazette is now available! There are tips for final exams, ideas for celebrating the season, an interview with Mrs. Orlowski, arts, sports, reviews, and much more! You can view it at www.thewestgazette.org
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
highlights of the December issue
We are two weeks away from final exams!
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
final exams schedule
Juniors attended an ACT grammar review session this morning with Ms. Baya. The review session will be available again today after school in B241 for any students who weren’t able to make it to the morning session.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
review session
Join us as we encourage our students to participate in Do Good December! Begin the month by spreading kindness. #YouMatter
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
December calendar
The deadline to order a yearbook has been extended to this Friday. Parents/guardians can order a yearbook online through Skyward. No orders will be accepted after this deadline. Contact Mrs. Neuberg with any questions.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
yearbook info
Juniors - There will be an ACT review session tomorrow morning in the Warriors Lodge at 7:30 a.m. The topic of tomorrow's session will be Reading.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
The LWW holiday noodies are back by popular demand! We will have a limited number of noodies that will go on sale tomorrow after school in the cafeteria for $20. Please note that sizes and quantities are limited.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
holiday noodie
Join the West Madrigals for an evening of music and merriment! Performances are December 1-4 with shows starting at 5:30 pm each night. Tickets are $20. Call 815-717-3507 to order a ticket for the concert.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
madrigals poster
We are so proud of the Lincoln-Way Marching Band - they did such a fantastic job in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
LWMB at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade
Student Council completed their annual Thanksgiving Basket & food drive this week! Each year they collect food for 10 complete Thanksgiving meals for local families in need. All 286 students donated at least 5 items for either the Thanksgiving baskets or the food drive.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
students with food drive items
Mrs. Pascarella and Mrs. Pisarski's Life Skills classes hosted a Not Your Average Feast with their Social Hall buddies.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
social hall lunch
social hall lunch
social hall lunch
social hall lunch
Congratulations to our 4-year varsity student-athletes from the fall season! Follow @lwwathletics on social media for more updates from the Athletic Department.
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
fall 4-year varsity athletes
We are proud of our choir students who represented Lincoln-Way West at the ILMEA District I concert this past Saturday in Elmhurst. Great job Madeline Cuttle, Alexa Gilboe, Brooke Tompulis, Addyson Cuthbertson, Kara Fitzpatrick and Alexander Nelson!
about 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
students at choir concert