Reminder - Teams can register for Homecoming Olympics today and tomorrow during the lunch hours! Tomorrow during the 6B lunch is the last opportunity to register a team for the event. #LiveLikeAWarrior
Fit for Life classes performing 55 push-ups and variations today! Warriors work hard!
Updated information for the Financial Aid Information Night scheduled for this Thursday at 6:30 pm!
Freshmen - Vote for your class officers for the 2022-2023 school year! Check your student email for the link to voting. Voting ends at 3:00 pm today! #LeadLikeAWarrior
Support the LWW Music Program today during the lunch hours! #LiveLikeAWarrior
Tonight is the Dessert Social hosted by our LWW Music Boosters! #LiveLikeAWarrior
Seniors - It’s time to order your senior spirit wear! All orders are due by September 27. #LiveLikeAWarrior
If you see a member of the Lincoln-Way Marching Band today, be sure to congratulate them on a fantastic and successful first weekend of competition! The band traveled to O’Fallon, Illinois this past weekend to compete in the Metro East Marching Classic. They earned first place in Class 4A, including captions for Best Music, General Effect, Auxiliary, Percussion, and were named overall Grand Champion of the event. The students enjoyed spending time with the O’Fallon Marching Panthers, as well as a special performance by the University of Missouri drum line. The band will continue working hard this week as they prepare for their next competition at the Iowa Bands of America Regional Championships in two weeks. Congratulations LWMB!
Join the LWW Music Boosters tomorrow night for a Dessert Social! Check out the flyer for more information. #LiveLikeAWarrior
Who will be our September Super Fan?! September forms are now available in the Student Activities Office, B123A. All completed forms need to be turned back in at B123A by September 30. #LiveLikeAWarrior
Students in German 2 practiced asking and answering questions about appearances by playing Guess Who during class on Friday. #LiveLikeAWarrior
This week, LW Media Center Supervisors worked with Freshman Seminar and Reading classes to introduce them to the library and begin working on Computer Literacy and Media Literacy skills. Freshmen practiced accessing the Media Center websites and online resources, checking and writing emails through their Outlook accounts, and utilizing the calendar feature in Teams as an assignment notebook.
Warriors wear orange on Fridays.
Warrior Way is hosting a Luau tonight before the football game from 6:00 - 6:45 pm! There will be games, snacks, & more! Head to the auto parking lot for some pre-game fun from 6:00 - 6:45 pm. Westside leaders will be reviewing student section cheers beginning at 6:30 pm. See you there, Warriors! #LiveLikeAWarrior
Do you have questions about how to get involved at LWW?! Check out the Activities Fair today during all lunch hours to find out more information about our activities. #GetInvolved
This week is National Suicide Prevention week. Jessica Rzab and Kristin Hall from Rogers Behavioral Health presented to our students in an effort to spread awareness and provide information on support services. Remember, you are not alone. #YouMatter
Freshman Seminar & Reading students began the school year by attending booktalks in the library! #ReadLikeAWarrior
Homecoming Olympics is quickly approaching! Packets are now available in the Main Office. Packets will be collected September 14 and September 15 during the lunch hours. Contact Mrs. Novak if you don’t have a team but would like to volunteer at the event. #GetInvolved
Students in Mrs. Krippel’s World History classes are putting on their anthropologist hats this week as they work to identify different skeletal features of early humans. #LiveLikeAWarrior
How do you pay for college? Join us on Thursday, September 15 at 6:30 pm for Virtual Financial Aid (FAFSA) Information Night. Denisse Diaz from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission will discuss the financial aid process and how it can help pay for college.
Use the link below for the presentation.