Warriors wear orange on Fridays. #LiveLikeAWarrior
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
staff wearing orange
Any students interested in joining our after school choir groups should contact Mr. Venutolo! #GetInvolved
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
The Class of 2026 Candy Sale Kick Off was today! Any freshman who would like to sell a box of candy or an additional box of candy should see Ms. Taylor in the PPS Office. #LiveLikeAWarrior
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
candy sale kick off
class officers
Lights, Camera, Homecoming! 🎥 Team captains are responsible for sharing the information from the Captain Packets with their teammates. Check out our latest Instagram Reel for more on the event that is scheduled for this Monday, September 26. #GetInvolved
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
disco ball duo
Dr. Robbins met with senior leaders this morning to discuss a variety of topics at the first Principal's Cabinet meeting of the school year! #LeadLikeAWarrior
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
principals cabinet
September is National Suicide Prevention month. In an effort to spread awareness and provide information on support services, students received bracelets during lunch hours with the message “You Matter” and the national 988 helpline embossed on the inside. Remember, you are not alone. #YouMatter
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
students in the lunch hours
students in the lunch hours
students in the lunch hours
Mr. DeLuca’s Intro to Criminal Justice students are in a trial simulation of the Big Bad Wolf.
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
criminal justice class
criminal justice class
criminal justice class
Students getting ready to limbo for yesterday’s word of the day limber! #LiveLikeAWarrior
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
reading students
Congratulations to the varsity and junior varsity girls’ golf teams for both capturing the conference championships! Kaylee Dwyer was the conference champion at the varsity level.
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
girls golf
Students in Ms. Klahn’s physics classes at Lincoln-Way West performed an experiment testing the affects of gravity today in class. Students dropped different objects from the top of the stairs and calculated the acceleration of gravity!
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
physics students
Lights, Camera, Homecoming! 🎬 Homecoming 2022 begins one week from today! Check out the poster for Student Council’s spirit days. #LiveLikeAWarrior
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
spirit day info
Westside shirts will be on sale for $7 starting TOMORROW after school in the cafeteria. Shirts will also be sold again Tuesday morning before school in the cafeteria. Sizes & quantities are limited. #LiveLikeAWarrior
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
the Westside shirt
In Support of World Suicide Prevention Day, on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, with the support of Lincoln-Way School District #210, the Village of New Lenox and its Safe Community Coalition are hosting “A Pathway to Hope and Healing.”
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
a pathway to hope and healing info
Lincoln-Way West staff members started the day by hearing a presentation from the Special Services Department about how to best support our students. #LiveLikeAWarrior
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
staff presentation
Best Buddies enjoyed the beautiful weather and playing getting to know you games yesterday at their first meeting of the school year! #LiveLikeAWarrior
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
best buddies photos
Warriors wear orange on Fridays. #LiveLikeAWarrior
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
mascot wearing orange
September Super Fan forms are due two weeks from tomorrow! Don’t forget to have a LWW staff member sign your form once you complete an activity. #LiveLikeAWarrior
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
student with super fan form
Stop down to the Student Activities Office if you missed the Activity Fair on Friday or if you have questions about how to get involved at Lincoln-Way West. #GetInvolved
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
activities fair
activities fair
activities fair
activities fair
A successful first day of popcorn sales for What’s Poppin’! 🍿#LiveLikeAWarrior
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
popcorn sales
¡Saluden a la clase de Español 5 - AP Literatura! #VivaComoGuerrero
over 2 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
Spanish 5 students