Join our Theater Company at LWE! check out details!

See details about auditions for the Fall Play!

From Digital Media to College Writing to Guitar to German, our Griffins have access to a wide variety of courses to choose from. They are engaging and connecting to real world skills.

See details for Your Light Still Shines On Me event!

Mr. Lodes' Physics students are completing a constant velocity activity.

LWE Science class had students measure the speed of a marble at different positions on a rollercoaster.

LWE Activities are starting soon! Check out details on Acapella's! See Ms. Samawi for details.

First full week in the books at Lincoln-Way East! Hope everyone had a great week! Go East! Go Griffins! Go Blue!

Great teaching this week! Our Griffins are happy to be back for in-person learning.

It’s great to be a Griffin! Glad to be back on campus to welcome our students and our new principal, Mr. Griggs.

The vocal jazz ensembles of Lincoln-Way Central and Lincoln-Way East held their first rehearsal today in preparation of their combined performances at the 2022 Illinois Music Education Conference (IMEC) in January.
Hanna Samawi (East) and Mike Bultman (Central) are the groups' directors.
Combined with the selection of the Lincoln-Way Central and West Guitar Studios, under the direction of Nate Jackson, IMEC 2022 will be the first state conference in which all Lincoln-Way 210 schools are featured in performance.

It’s Open House Day at Lincoln-Way East! All students are invited to walk their schedule, purchase spirit wear from the Athletic Boosters or calendars from the Foundation, and turn in important paperwork. Open House runs until 2 p.m.

Today, LWE welcomes the class of 2025 from 10 to 2 p.m. today.

It’s Device Pickup Day for freshmen & sophomores at Lincoln-Way East! Follow the alpha slice to grab your device, purchase spirit wear or Foundation Calendar, and turn in any paperwork.
Parents can also attend a Parent Tech Session to hear how to access important Skyward Info.

Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210 is currently looking for bus drivers!
For more information, or to apply, visit: https://lincolnwaychsd210il.sites.thrillshare.com/page/employment-opportunities

Professional Development continues! Today teachers are hearing from Amy Cavanaugh about “Strategies to Combat Cheating & Plagiarism.”

Welcome to Lincoln-Way! Today we welcomed 16 new teachers to the district! They will spend the next two days meeting various staff members, touring their new buildings, and getting to know their new district.

The Lincoln-Way Foundation is proud to announce the 2021/2022 School Calendars are available for purchase, if you have not purchased one already!
These award-winning calendars are full of school dates, information, and valuable coupons. For just $15, you can have this important resource at your fingertips all year long. You can pick one up from the Foundation volunteers who will be at the various Open Houses, Orientations, and Back to School nights with the calendars!
Thank you for supporting the Foundation, and call 815-462-2976 if any questions.

LWE Seniors! Please read the details on Senior Parking passes!

Freshmen Orientation Reminder! Don't forget our event is Wednesday, August 11th from 10:00am-2:00pm. Scan the QR Code by this Friday, August 6th to let us know you plan to attend. See image below.