The Anatomy & Physiology Medical Classes visited National University last week to learn more about medical careers.
12 months ago, Lincoln-Way East High School
Today our students attended a presentation regarding See Something, Say Something during their lunch/advisory hours. The Say Something program teaches high school students to recognize the warning signs of someone at-risk of hurting themselves or others and how to say something to a trusted adult to get help. Our Associate Principal, Mr. Victor, and LWE's SRO Bret Bartunek were the guest speakers.
12 months ago, Lincoln-Way East High School
Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus students are working hard using calculators and Desmos on their short Problem Solving and Data Analysis quiz today. They are getting ready for those four content domains on SAT!
12 months ago, Lincoln-Way East High School
Tickets are now on sale for our spring musical production of The Phantom of the Opera. Get your tickets to Lincoln-Way East's production of The Phantom of the Opera happening April 12th-14th. Tickets are available now
12 months ago, Lincoln-Way East
Want to make a difference? Join us at the Future Lawyers of America Club where we're not just studying law; we're preparing to lead it. Have the opportunity to meet with other lawyers, debate, participate in mock trials, and more! @lwe.future_lawyers
12 months ago, Lincoln-Way East
World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on 3/21. The idea is that chromosomes look like socks when viewed on a karyotype, and people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome. We hope you participate and show support. We hope to see lots of socks on 3/21 at LWE!!!
12 months ago, Lincoln-Way East
A2PC students are busy preparing for their SAT in April by playing castle attack.
12 months ago, Lincoln-Way East High School
Science teachers from LWE and LWC attended conferences about anatomy and the climate.
12 months ago, Lincoln-Way East High School
anatomy teachers
LWE NHS Members assembled activity packs for pediatric patients from collected donations. These gifts bags will be donated to hospitals throughout the Chicagoland area.
12 months ago, Lincoln-Way East High School
students preparing baskets
students sitting
students getting gifts together
LWE science teachers attend climate conference.
12 months ago, Lincoln-Way East High School
Teacher doing an experiment
Interact Club had a zoom call with Angel, the student that we are sponsoring. Did you know that in Guatemala students have to pay for any education past the 6th grade? To help break the cycle of poverty we will sell yuba bands. Watch for signs posted in the hallway in mid April!
about 1 year ago, Lincoln-Way East
Lincoln-Way East Math department is celebrating Pi day today! Happy 3.14
about 1 year ago, Lincoln-Way East High School
Are double stuffed Oreos really double stuffed? Miss VandenBerg's AP Statistics classes investigated this burning question.
about 1 year ago, Lincoln-Way East High School
The Theater Company is putting on their Spring Play Rainbow Fish. This weekend stop over to East Auditorium on Saturday, March 16th at 1pm and Sunday, March 17th at 3pm.
about 1 year ago, Lincoln-Way East
The deadline for students to submit poems and creative writing to this year's District 210 Art and Literary Magazine is next Friday, March 22. If you need an entry form and information on how to submit your work reach out to Mr. Labriola by email or on Teams.
about 1 year ago, Lincoln-Way High School District 210
Art and Literary Magazine
Congratulations to Elise Rachoy as our talent show winner. Also, Savannah Stolarek as Miss Griffin and Mobolaji Adesina as Mr. Griffin!!!
about 1 year ago, Lincoln-Way East
LWE! Our show starts tonight at 7pm tonight! You don't want to miss out. $10.00 per ticket. Cash or checks accepted.
about 1 year ago, Lincoln-Way East
Seniors, in order to graduate from high school, your 25 hours of community service hours need to be submitted to LWE. Please turn your forms in soon.
about 1 year ago, Lincoln-Way East High School
Congratulations to the LWE Scholastic Bowl Regional Champions! This Saturday they will move on to Sectionals. Go East! Go Griffins! Go Blue!
about 1 year ago, Lincoln-Way East
Griffins! This week stop during lunch hours to purchase your Mr. & Miss Griffin/Talent Show tickets for Saturday, March 9th from 7:00-9:30pm in LWE Auditorium. These tickets are $10.00. Cash or checks payable to LWE are accepted forms of payment.
about 1 year ago, Lincoln-Way East