Welcome to Lincoln-Way Central High School. With over 60 years dedicated to educational excellence, Lincoln-Way Central is proud of it's commitment to providing experiences and opportunities necessary to maximize the academic and social growth of all students. As a Lincoln-Way graduate, I am proud of our facilities and our school culture. The "secret to success" at Lincoln-Way is involvement. Take advantage of the various opportunities that will be afforded to you as a Lincoln-Way Central student. Take advantage of the academic support offered, such as the writing center, academic assistance, student tutoring, and the online resources that help students earn scholarships by improving their scores on state exams.
When I talk to the students, visit with the alumni, or meet with various people in our community, I can truly say I am proud to be a Knight. My building team and I look forward to another successful school year, and we are all committed in providing an excellent educational experience.
We are Central . . . We are the KNIGHTS!