Lincoln-Way Central offers over 70 activities including open membership, academic honorary, SWSC competitive, performing arts, intramurals, and leadership and service organizations. Students may simply attend an open membership club at any time. Additional clubs may require a tryout, nomination, or class enrollment for participation. All students will complete the Code of Conduct and turn in a yellow sheet (emergency form) to the sponsor in order to participate.
How can you get involved? Students are advised to listen to the morning announcements, read the posted announcements in the cafeteria, and preview the TV's to find additional information regarding a meeting dates and times. Furthermore, please feel free to contact Mr. Dustin Waddell in the Activities Office with additional questions.
Coordinator of Student Activities
Mr. Dustin Waddell
Phone: 815-462-2994

Click on any activity below for additional information:
Class Officers - Freshmen and Sophomores
Environmental Action Club (EAC)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Future Educators of America (FEA)
Future Farmers of America (FFA)
Science National Honor Society
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
Teens Against Tobacco Use (TATU)