Registration for Lincoln-Way High Schools 2023-2024 preschool programs sponsored by the Family and Consumer Sciences Early Childhood Education classes will open on Monday, January 30th and run through Monday, February 6th. The application will be available online on the Lincoln-Way District 210 website beginning January 30th:
Children must be three years old by September 1, 2023, toilet trained and reside within the district to be eligible. Parents must complete the online registrations; no telephone registrations will be accepted.
A total of 16 children, ages 3 to 5, will be selected to attend a morning session for each of the locations. West and East Preschools will meet Wednesdays and Thursdays from October through January. The Central Preschool will meet Wednesdays and Fridays from October through January. LW West and East programs continue Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from January through May, while LW Central will be held, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Fees are $35 per month or $280 per year. A nonrefundable deposit of $70 will be required of those selected into the program and will be applied to the first two months of preschool. This program gives Early Childhood Education students an opportunity to work with children in a preschool environment under the full-time supervision of a Family and Consumer Sciences instructor. For more information contact Molly DeCarlo at Central (815) 462-2187, Beth Russler (815) 464-4299 at East, and Betsy Warfield (815) 717-3618 at West.