Message from Superintendent Tingley

Good Afternoon,

Getting all of our students back in school full time this fall has been the top priority at Lincoln-Way District 210. Academically, there is no question that in-person learning, five days per week, is what is best for students, and our students need athletics and extra-curricular opportunities to continue to grow socially.

Governor Pritzker issued a statewide mask mandate. This mandate removes local control. Administration cannot recommend that our school board approve violating a state mandate. There could be consequences for districts that choose to violate the mandate. 

School attorneys and our liability insurance carrier have advised of the risk of lawsuits, loss of insurance, and additional liability. At the state level, there is the possibility of reduction of state funding and loss of state recognition. Loss of state recognition would immediately suspend participation in all IHSA sports and activities.

While masking versus un-masking is a very emotional topic for some, the continued debate has become a distraction from the most important goal of getting students back to school. We must remember that just a year ago we began the school year remotely with no extra-curricular opportunities for our students. Masks or no masks, we are in a better place today than a year ago.

We are ready for teachers and students to be back full time. We are excited to begin fall athletics, activities, and the social opportunities that come with high school.

We look forward to the 2021-2022 school year and will focus on what Lincoln-Way does best - provide experiences and opportunities for our students’ academic and social growth.

The most up-to-date Safe Return to In-Person Learning Plan for Lincoln-Way District 210 can be found on our website, Safe Return to School Plan.

Additionally, below are a few important updates/reminders for parents/guardians as we approach the start of the school year:

  1. Laptop Distribution:  For the 2021-2022 school year, we will be providing a laptop to our current freshman and sophomores.  Students would have received these laptops during the laptop distribution days at each of the schools, if your freshman or sophomore student has not received their laptop please contact the school so appropriate arrangements can be made.  To complete the process, we are asking parents to complete an online form located in SKYWARD FAMILY ACCESS.  Directions on how to complete this can be found under current resources on the district webpage.
  1. COVID-19 Testing/Test to Stay:  Testing can be used to keep students in school when identified as classroom close contact through the Test to Stay protocol.  This allows asymptomatic students to avoid quarantine by testing on days one, three, five and seven after exposure as long as they continue to test negative.   Testing can only be done with the consent of a parent/guardian for those under the age of 18.  A consent form has been created within SKYWARD FAMILY ACCESS.  Please complete this form to inform the school district whether you will allow your student to participate in the BINAX NOW testing only when necessary to avoid quarantine.
  1. Website:    Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210 has a new website and app for mobile phones!

Our new mobile app helps students, parents, and community members know what is happening on campus, right from their phones. On the app, you can find documents, contact information for staff, and building specific information. You can also access events, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications. It’s everything LW210, in your pocket.

             Click HERE for a tutorial video on how to use the new LW210 app.

             You can download the app for free on both Google Play or the Apple App Store.

             Download for Android: Download for iPhone:

  1. Emergency e-Learning:   At the August 12, 2021 Board of Education, meeting a hearing will be held to discuss the use of EMERGENCY E-Learning days.  These days would be used in place of weather emergency days or other emergency school closures. Once approved, the school district will have the flexibility to conduct E-Learning days on days in which weather conditions prohibit the ability to conduct in-person learning.  The approval of this plan would be for a term of three years and would need to be evaluated at the conclusion of the 2023-2024 school year. More information regarding the use of the e-learning days can be found on our website or in Board Docs.

Looking forward to a great 2021-2022 school year.

LW Administration