Today was Student Council’s Sleepy Cowboy Day! Tomorrow is CLASS COLORS. Seniors - Orange Juniors - Black Sophomores - White Freshmen - Grey
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
spirit day
spirit day
spirit day
spirit day
Juniors - There will be another PSAT review session tomorrow morning at 7:20 a.m. in the Warriors Lodge. The topic will be Math, with calculator. Contact Dr. Luzzo with any questions.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
Mrs. Hack from the PPS Department presented an introduction to Mindfulness Practice to freshman seminar & reading classes this week. #bekindtoyourmind #youmatter
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
Mrs Hack presenting
Mr. Stephens reviewing PSAT math questions today and tomorrow in the Warriors Lodge!
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
PSAT review
The 2021 Class Clash begins today! In honor of Dr. Schmitt’s final Homecoming Week, the first challenge is to find miniature orange cowboy boots around the hallways of LWW. Bring an orange boot to the Student Activities Office to earn points for your class.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
class presidents with clash flyers
Flannel filled the halls of LWW today! The Homecoming spirit days continue tomorrow with Comfy Clothes Day.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
flannel day
flannel day
flannel day
flannel day
Please join us virtually on Thursday at 6:30pm to hear Frank Palmasani, author of "Right College, Right Price," discuss how to maximize opportunities for scholarships & grants, and conquer the cost of college!
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
PPS flyer
It’s World Teachers’ Day! We appreciate everything our teachers do for our students at Lincoln-Way West. 🧡
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
LWW teachers
LWW teachers
LWW teachers
LWW teachers
Juniors attended another PSAT review session today! Ms. Baya reviewed important grammar skills in preparation for the PSAT next Wednesday. The next review session will be tomorrow morning at 7:20 a.m. in the Warriors Lodge. The topic will be Math, no calculator.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
PSAT review session
National Honor Society will begin hosting a toy drive tomorrow! All students can earn points for the Class Clash by bringing in a toy to B123A during the school day tomorrow. Toys and gift cards will be donated to the Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
NHS toy drive flyer
College Writing is feeling the flannel spirit.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
college writing dressed up for the spirit day
Do you have a teen driver or soon-to-be teen driver in your household? Join us on Tuesday, October 26th at 7pm for a free, virtual presentation on everything you need to know! The program will include information on Illinois' licensing program, Lincoln-Way's driver's education curriculum, helpful tips for parents and more! Visit the website or Facebook for more information and to register.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210
Teen Driver?  What Every Parent Should Know!
We hosted 95 teams at this year’s Homecoming Olympics! A special thank you to the 90+ staff members who volunteered last night to make the event a success.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
Olympic sponsors
Olympic sponsors
Olympic sponsors
homecoming Olympics
We began Homecoming week with Olympic Monday! Warriors should wear a flannel for tomorrow’s spirit wear day. #GetInvolved
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
spirit wear picture
spirit wear picture
spirit wear picture
spirit wear picture
Future Educators of America will have a short informational meeting tomorrow at 2:45 pm in the PPS conference room. See Mr. Daly in PPS with any questions. #GetInvolved
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
Students in 1st Hour AP Statistics collected data, created scatterplots, and calculated equations to determine the number of rubber bands to attach to Barbie so that she has the absolute most fun bungee jump from the balcony in the front foyer of the school.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
math students
Juniors - There will be a PSAT review session tomorrow morning in the Warriors Lodge at 7:20 a.m. Zero hour students can attend the session after school at 2:45 p.m. in room B241. The topic will be Writing and Language. Contact Dr. Luzzo with any questions.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
Homecoming Olympics is tonight at 6:00 pm! Students who are participating in the event should review the events and their field location ahead of time.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
The West Speech Team attended a SWSC workshop yesterday morning at Andrew High School! #GetInvolved
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
students at speech workshop
Welcome to the Wild Wild West! Student Council was in early this morning decorating for Homecoming. Warriors are reminded that the spirit week begins tomorrow with Olympic Monday.
over 3 years ago, Lincoln-Way West High School
students decorating for homecoming
students decorating for homecoming
students decorating for homecoming
students decorating for homecoming