We enjoyed welcoming the Class of 2026 to Lincoln-Way West! Our future Warriors will be starting their first day of high school six months from today.
Kindness Matters! Pick up a Bingo card in PPS and thank Barb for her kindness. We are going to miss her in the cafeteria when she retires at the end of this school year! #WarriorsAreKind #BeKind
The spring sports season is just under two weeks away. Be sure to register online and turn in a physical before tryouts begin.
Students in Mrs. Borchert’s PE Student Leader class were spreading kindness to our LWW staff! Any Warriors who want to participate in our Random Acts of Kindness bingo activity can pick up the card from PPS. #WarriorsAreKind #BeKind
Physics students in Mr. Victor’s classes have been studying momentum, impulse, and collisions. They are examining what happens when increasing the time of impact and how it will decrease the amount of force causing the momentum change.
Mr. Kohlbacher visited senior English classes to review local and regional scholarship opportunities. Seniors are encouraged to check their College and Career Teams page to access the Lincoln-Way West General Scholarship application and view outside scholarship postings.
Spreading love & kindness! Kindness bingo cards are still available and due back to PPS by this Friday. The winners will be announced one week from today. #WarriorsAreKind #BeKind
The Westside is ready for Senior Night at LWW!
The Life Skills classes were spreading love today at their monthly popcorn sale! Students were encouraged to write one word to describe what it means to be a Warrior on the Warrior Conversation Hearts.
Students in AP Psychology were learning about stress & health today. They ended the lesson by practicing stress management exercises, including meditation.
West choir students welcomed Dr. Robert Sinclair from VanderCook College of Music to class today for a choral music clinic!
Warriors wear orange on Fridays.
Good luck to our Chess team! They are representing the Warriors this weekend at State.
Science Club began their meeting today with a STEM challenge! Students built towers out of conversation hearts and then measured them in order to see who built the tallest stack. Contact Mrs. Chrisman if you are interested in joining the Science Club this semester. #GetInvolved
Gamers celebrating the annual Hot Chocolate Event! #GetInvolved
Lincoln-Way West is one of 15 area high schools that will be exhibiting student artwork in the Orland Park Arts Alliance Aspiring Artists Showcase on February 12 & 13. Public viewing is from 1:00 - 8:00 pm on Saturday, February 12, and from 1:00 - 5:00 pm on Sunday February 13 at the Orland Park Cultural Arts Center located at 14760 Park Lane.
The following West students will have artwork on display:
Caeley Doran
Sarah Fuchsgruber
Ava Gentry
Jenna Davis
Nia Brass
Maggie Gonzalez
Jessica Carter
Lizzie Kikkert
Hailey Piel
Eleni Panagiaris
Artwork - Pencil Drawing by Ava Gentry
Warriors had a blast yesterday after school at Intramural Bowling!
Congratulations to our student-athletes who have committed to participate in athletics at the collegiate level!
We are excited to welcome the Class of 2026 at Open House! All incoming freshmen should be receiving a packet of information about the upcoming Open House scheduled for February 16. Incoming freshmen and their parents/guardians should carefully review the information prior to the event. Please bring the folder from the packet with you to Open House along with the completed documents that will be collected in the main gym.
Parking will be available by the Performing Arts Center off Gougar Road. The Open House will begin with an orientation session in the Auditorium/Performing Arts Center. We are looking forward to seeing our future Warriors at this valuable and informative evening.
Art Fundamentals students are using black marker to create calligraphic line designs filled with shapes and patterns. Small amounts of colored marker are added to highlight certain areas of the design. Working in marker means that you need to work with confidence and have a clear plan of action. "Mistakes" cannot be erased, so they become opportunities for problem solving to change them from distractions into contributions.