Join as we encourage our students to participate in Self-Care September! As we begin a new month, find time for self-care. It’s essential. #YouMatter
Freshman students heard all about how to get involved at LWW and an intro to our PPS Department today during their advisory. As a reminder, Mrs. Hack & Mrs. Novak will be available to answer more questions tomorrow during the lunch hours at the LWW Activity Fair. #AWarriorWithin
Say CHEESE! Cheesy garlic biscuits in Ms. Solner’s Intro to Foods. See what else is Cooking in B126 and follow @lw210_facsforlife on Instagram.
Welding 3 students perform shop safety inspections. Over a two day span Welding 3 students will use every piece of equipment in the shop. Using their experience from Welding 1 and Welding 2, they make sure all machines are ready for the start of shop activities.
LWW College counselor, Jim Kohlbacher, presented to our Class of 2024 seniors today about life after Lincoln-Way. Seniors heard an overview of the college application process and scholarship timelines. Students also learned how to access college admission reps scheduled to visit West this fall.
REMINDER - The deadline to place a Class of 2024 spirit wear order is tomorrow - Wednesday, August 30. Contact Mrs. Sweeney with any questions.
Thank you to the Welcome Crew who have helped make a number of events a success at the start of the 2023 - 2024 school year! #AWarriorWithin
Warriors wear orange on Fridays.
Alice @ Wonderland is coming to LWW!
Alice @ Wonderland is a modern retelling of the classic story and has all of the characters you love, including the Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit, and the Queen of Hearts. The twist is that Alice is distinctly contemporary, complete with cell phone in hand. Full of references to text messaging, social media and lack of Wi-Fi, the play imagines a present-day Alice encountering the Wonderland of years gone by. A sharply told, crisply paced ride, this quality adaptation has been praised for its humor, modern style, and audience appeal. Alice @ Wonderland offers a large number of roles, in a wide range of styles and size, and is also a great show to learn about stage craft.
Do you want to find out more about Alice @ Wonderland and our LWW Theatre Company? Plan on attending the informational meeting and workshop on Wednesday August 30th from 2:45 until 4:15 pm in the Auditorium. Please see the posters for the QR form code. #GetInvolved
Class of 2027 – Have you ever considered running for a class officer? Do you want to be more involved with school? Maybe running for class office is the thing for you! If you are interested in running for class office, check your school email for more information that was sent yesterday to your school email account. The Microsoft Form that was included in the email needs to be filled out by Friday, September 1st. The class officer election ballot will then be sent out through email on Thursday, September 7th. If you have any questions about the election, contact Mrs. Ende at If you have any questions about class officer requirements, contact Ms. Taylor at #GetInvolved
It was a great night at LWW for Back to School Night! Staff members had the opportunity to meet a number of families and share all about Lincoln-Way West. #AWarriorWithin
The 2023 AP Scholar designations have been updated in the main hallway! We are extremely proud of all of our students who have worked so hard to receive this recognition from The College Board. #AWarriorWithin
Counting down the days until Homecoming Olympics! Packets are now available in the Main Office. Teams only need to pick up one registration packet per team and should carefully read through all of the information in the packets prior to registering their team on September 6 or September 7. Contact Mrs. Novak if you would like to be a part of the event but don’t have a team. #GetInvolved #HomeSweetHomecoming
Students in Coach Boseo’s Human Performance classes have been attending HP Family Meetings! Students have been reviewing the HP curriculum that includes policies/procedures, expectations, grading/assessments, training principals, vocabulary, yearly/weekly/daily calendar, and program design during these class sessions. #AWarriorWithin
Due to the popularity of our summer program, swim lessons will continue throughout the school year! The registration form can be accessed on the district website. Please contact Eric Pavlacka at if you have any questions.
Girls Varsity Golf finishes 1st place at the Andrew Carrie Cox Scramble!
Homecoming is quickly approaching! Stay tuned for more information to come over the next few weeks about our 2023 Homecoming events. #HomeSweetHomecoming #AWarriorWithin #GetInvolved
Activity sponsors are currently in the process of planning meetings for the 2023 – 2024 school year! Students should continue to listen to the daily announcements during 2nd hour for more information on when clubs and activities will start meeting. The daily announcements are also posted in the cafeteria and on Skyward. Students also have the opportunity during their lunch hour on Friday, September 1, to attend our LWW Activities Fair. Club flyers will be available with more detailed information including how to get involved and specific meeting information. #GetInvolved
Are you looking for community service hours? The Athletic Boosters have a number of opportunities throughout the school year for students to earn community service. Check out the flyer for more information!
The first Lincoln-Way Marching Band performance of the season is this Saturday, August 26 at East. All Lincoln-Way families and community members are invited to attend a preview of the LWMB competitive show, Interstellar!