Independent Inspector General
Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210 Board of Education Policy 2:261 created the role of an Independent Inspector General with authority to conduct investigations into allegations of or incidents of waste, fraud, and financial mismanagement or other employee or Board issues within the jurisdiction of the School Board (District 210) by an employee, contractor, or member of the school board.
Anyone wishing to make a complaint can contact the Independent Inspector General by mail, fax, email, a fraud hotline telephone number or through a complaint reporting link on the webpages for the District, the Board of Education, or any of District 210’s high schools. Click Here for Confidential Complaint Form
When making a complaint, please provide as much information as you can about the allegation that you are making. Be as specific as possible and include the names of all persons and companies involved in the misconduct alleged and, if applicable, the school and /or department where the alleged misconduct occurred. Complainants can choose to remain anonymous. All information received by the Independent Inspector General will remain confidential. If necessary, and if contact information is provided, the Independent Inspector General may seek more information from the complainant to evaluate the complaint and conduct an investigation, if warranted.
Please send complaints to:
James M. Sullivan, Sikich LLP
Independent Inspector General
Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210
1801 E. Lincoln Highway
New Lenox, IL 60451
Fax: 630-499-5665
Fraud Hotline: 630-210-3154