The Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210 Board of Education consists of seven citizens of the school district, each of whom is elected for a four-year term. Their duties and responsibilities include: selecting a Superintendent; establishing general policies for the school system; employment of school personnel upon recommendation of the superintendent; adopting an annual budget and approving all expenditures; informing the public of the needs and the progress of the educational system; and exercising the legislative powers conferred or implied by the legislature in administering school functions.
Any adult resident may run for election to the board, providing he or she meets certain legal qualifications. Note that school board members serve without pay.
In the state of Illinois, the local school districts were created by the state legislature to execute the educational policy as defined in the constitution as a state government function. The Board of Education has specific duties and responsibilities to fulfill. Among them:
Selection of the Superintendent of Schools
Establishment of general policies for the school system
Employment of school personnel upon recommendation of the superintendent
Adoption of the annual budget and approval of all expenditures
Informing the public of the needs and the progress of the educational system
Exercising the legislative powers conferred or implied by the legislature in administering school functions
The Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210 Board of Education consists of seven citizens of the school district, each of whom is elected for a four-year term. Any adult resident may run for election to the board providing he or she meets certain legal qualifications. School board members serve without pay.
Regular meetings of the Board of Education are open to the public and are usually held on the third Thursday of each month. A schedule of dates and locations can be found here.
All regular and special board meetings are open to the public, and all authorized or lawfully required actions are taken at these meetings. The board may, however, meet in closed (executive) session to discuss matters dealing with personnel, real estate acquisition, litigation, and employee negotiations. All formal actions, however, are taken in public sessions.
The agenda for each meeting is prepared by the superintendent. Meetings are conducted by the board president in the prescribed order.
Extensive background material on agenda items is sent to board members prior to each meeting. After examining this material, board members can obtain answers to questions and be prepared to efficiently reach decisions while in session.
Visitors are always welcome at school board meetings.
The Board of Education wants to be responsive to the needs of the people it represents. A citizen may address the board on agenda items during the comment portion of the meeting.
Those wishing to address the board must sign up. Public comment sign-up begins one-half hour before meeting time and closes when the meeting is called to order. Individuals will be recognized in the order of sign up. Individual presentations are limited to five minutes. A maximum of 30 minutes is allocated for the public comment portion of the District 210 agenda.
Complaints regarding school personnel shall be heard by the Board of Education only after a hearing has been held with the administration and all parties concerned. If you have any questions, please call 815.462.2123.
The Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210 Board of Education consists of seven citizens of the school district, each of whom is elected for a four-year term. Their duties and responsibilities include: selecting a Superintendent; establishing general policies for the school system; employment of school personnel upon recommendation of the superintendent; adopting an annual budget and approving all expenditures; informing the public of the needs and the progress of the educational system; and exercising the legislative powers conferred or implied by the legislature in administering school functions.
Any adult resident may run for election to the board, providing he or she meets certain legal qualifications. Note that school board members serve without pay.
Aaron P. Janik
email: Aaron.Janik
Catherine Johnson
Vice President
email: Catherine.Johnson
Joseph M. Kosteck
email: Joseph.Kosteck
Dana Bergthold
email: Dana.Bergthold
Richard C. LaCien Jr.
email: Richard.LaCien
Caitlin Olejnik
email: Caitlin.Olejnik
Deadra W. Stokes
email: Deadra.Stokes