Activity Name:
Student Council
The Student Council at Lincoln-Way High School serves as a coordinating agency for many activities at the school and is one of the school's most important organizations. Through their elected representatives, Lincoln-Way students have an opportunity to participate in the governing of the various phases of their school life.
Article II of the Student Council constitution, revised in the spring of 1971, states:
"The purpose of this organization shall be:
1. To stimulate a spirit of cooperation between the students, and the faculty and administration.
2. To aid in the development of loyal, constructive school spirit.
3. To accept club charters and recognize each club as an organization of good standing.
4. To represent students in all dealings with the administration and in all dealings with any party for whom student representation is needed."
If these purposes are to be carried out, the cooperation of the entire student body is necessary.
The Student Council offers an excellent training ground for citizenship education, and for all-around social and intellectual development. Student Council membership is one of the greatest privileges and responsibilities in a student's high school career, and is a goal well worth aiming toward.
Among the important duties of the Student Council is the organization and supervision of all major elections. To be elected to Student Council, a student needs only to take out a petition at the announced time and place, secure the required number of signatures from his/her class members, and return it at the announced time and place to have his/her name placed on the official ballot. Student Council representatives may not concurrently hold another class office. Membership in good standing involves passing grades in all classes throughout the school year, high personal standards and the required participation in Student Council activities.
One of the major duties of the Student Council is the coordination of the club program. All clubs must submit their constitutions to the Student Council for approval before the club is recognized as a school organization. All student concessions are allocated by the Council to the various clubs and classes. The Council helps the administration in setting up general rules and policies in regard to dances and other student activities. Members of the Council meet with the administration once a month to present student ideas and concerns.
The Student Council executive board also serves as the executive board of the Lincoln-Way chapter of Dollars for Scholars. Dollars for Scholars is a local, volunteer-operated, community-based scholarship foundation legally associated with Citizens' Scholarship Foundation of America. During the school year Dollars for Scholars may organize and run a fundraiser with the goal of providing scholarships to deserving Lincoln-Way students.
An active Student Council needs the support of the entire student body. Keep informed about the activities of your representative organization, and take advantage of its many services.
Contact Information:
Laura Render
Jenna Martino
Specific LWE Club Information Student Council runs Homecoming & Turnabout, as well as a huge food drive.
Meeting Dates, Times, and Location
We meet on Wednesdays at 2:45 in room 236. Check us out!