Activity Name:
Skills USA
Skills U.S.A. is open to all Lincoln-Way students. It is helpful, but not required, to be enrolled in a full-time preparatory course in trade, industrial, technical, or health education. Skills U.S.A. is a state, national, and international organization.
Our purpose is to develop leadership abilities through participation in educational, vocational, civic, recreational, and social activities. We foster a deep respect for the dignity of work. We assist students in establishing realistic vocational goals. We participate in three (3) leadership conferences a year, and the students are given opportunities to compete in contests demonstrating both leadership and vocational skills.
Sponsor Name: Daymon Gast
Sponsor Email:
Specific LWE Club Information: Become career ready by focusing in on gaining personal skills, workplace skills, and technical skills ground in academics. This is a great way to boost your resume for jobs, college, scholarships and internships. We go on industry field trips in the local area to help promote student awareness of job and career opportunities. The capstone of the club is our three-day trip in April to the State Skills USA Convention and Competition in Peoria where members can choose from over 50 areas to compete in. Our main community service project is hosting the L-W Welding contest in March. We are member driven and appreciate student input into the club on topics such as field trips, community service and fellowship opportunities.
Meeting Dates, Times, and Location: Fall Dates: Sept. 15th, Sept. 29th, Oct. 20th, Nov. 3rd. Nov. 17th, Dec. 1st. 7:30 am in room 181.
Spring dates: to be determined.