Activity Name:
Literary Magazine - Mosaic

The Fine Arts Magazine is the outlet for creative students of all interests. Each year features the best that Lincoln-Way students submit of their original work in writing (poems, essays, short stories), or art (drawing, paintings, sculpture, photography), and any other worthy efforts that can be visually represented on its pages. Submissions are also sought from world language, speech, home economics, drafting and mathematics.

Creativity from any area is accepted and evaluated by a student editorial board who makes their decisions without knowing the authors' and artists' names. Students apply for this board annually, and they must maintain a 2.25 GPA to remain active. Consequently, board membership is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors only. Submissions, however, are accepted from all students.

The creator must verify originality and release the work for publication, just for school purposes, retaining the ultimate right to the work.

Any and all students are encouraged to submit their best creations to this board of their peers. This is the magazine of the students, by the students, and for everybody!

Contact Information:
Brianna North