Activity Name:
Lincoln-Way Marching Band
The Lincoln-Way Marching Band is an extracurricular competitive musical performance ensemble made up of students from all three Lincoln-Way schools. The roster includes, in addition to the playing block of woodwinds and brass, the Color Guard and Percussion. Participation begins with fundamental instruction camps in the spring, and the first rehearsal camps in June.
Students may elect to participate in the "football" level, which includes only school football games, or the "performance" level which includes all parades, school football games, several performances of the competitive production, and the opportunity for yearly travel.
Being a member is a life chaining experience - you will have the opportunity to meet so many new people, make new friends, travel yearly to new locations, challenge yourself to reach new heights, and discover what it truly means to be a part of team.
Membership is open to all students currently enrolled in a Lincoln-Way concert band class. Exceptions will be made for special instrumentation and must be approved by a Band Director and Music Department Chairperson.
Each member of the LWMB is expected to make a full commitment to the organization in terms of both faithful attendance and maximum effort.
Contact Information:
Bert Johnson
Chris Mroczek
More Information:
Music Department Website