Activity Name:
National Honor Society (NHS)
The National Honor Society at Lincoln-Way High School is an organization that recognizes and encourages academic achievement and ideals of scholarship, character, service and leadership. It is an active organization that meets regularly and is involved in school service, such as tutoring, and community service projects.
Selection of National Honor Society members takes place in the fall of the junior or senior year. All students who have a 3.5 grade point average at the beginning of their junior or senior year are invited to apply for membership by filling out a questionnaire reflecting involvement in student's activities, ways they have demonstrated leadership, and previously completed community service hours. While both school and community activities are evaluated, emphasis is placed on school involvement and leadership. It is important, therefore, that students are actively involved and demonstrate leadership in Lincoln-Way clubs, sports and activities in order to gain the points needed for membership.
Selection to NHS is made by a faculty council which evaluates the student's credentials in the areas of character, leadership and service.
Contact Information:
Karin Dunn